47,371 Kiwis say love it, don't mine it

Green Party

Wednesday 23 June 2010, 3:07PM

By Green Party


47,371 Kiwis have put their name on the record to save our treasured places, the Green Party said today.

“I am thrilled that so many New Zealanders feel strongly that not only should Schedule 4 remain protected from mining, but that the conservation estate as a whole should have greater protection, Metiria Turei, Green party Co-leader said.

The Save Our Treasured Places petition states:

We request that the House of Representatives reject any move to mine our national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, marine reserves, protected islands, the Coromandel’s beautiful land and waters, and all other treasured places protected by Schedule 4 of the Crown Minerals Act 1991; furthermore, we ask that greater legislative protection against mining on the public conservation estate is put in place, to keep safe our collective heritage for future generations.

“Our conservation estate is protected for conservation, not exploitation so we'd protect conservation land from all new mining operations, Mrs Turei said.

“A smart, stable economy relies on sustaining our natural resources, not exploiting them.

“It is fitting that this is Volunteer Awareness Week, as this entire project has succeeded because of the love and hard work of hundreds of volunteers across the country.

“I want to acknowledge the hard work of all these special people, the environmental NGO’s and Green Party members for making this petition such a success.

“Conservation means that we will love it and protect it forever, so these wild places can be enjoyed by our children and all those that follow”, Mrs Turei said.