Parents and teachers working together

Monday 28 June 2010, 6:28PM

By Anne Tolley


Education Minister Anne Tolley says parents and teachers have a wonderful opportunity to work together to raise achievement levels for New Zealand's children.

"As the end of Term 2 approaches, many parents in primary and intermediate schools will be receiving their first reports against the newly implemented National Standards in reading, writing and maths," says Mrs Tolley.

"Schools are required to report to parents twice a year in plain language on how each child is progressing against the Standards, what goals they have set and the next steps for the student, teacher and parent to help them reach those goals.

"We know parents want clear information and I would encourage them to have a conversation with their teacher or school principal.

"This is a bedding-in year for the Standards and feedback from parents is vital as each school develops its own reporting systems.

"In addition to reporting progress against the National Standards, the reports should provide information on how a child is doing in other areas of the curriculum.

"This Government is lifting the bar for student achievement, which is why the Standards have been set higher than national averages, and parents should take this into account.

"All children will benefit from having clear, achievable goals. The Standards will also allow schools to identify early which children need extra support.

"We are ambitious for our children, and National Standards will give every young New Zealander the chance to succeed."