NZ helps relief efforts after Peru earthquake
New Zealand is giving $500,000 to help relief efforts following the recent earthquake in Peru, Foreign Minister Winston Peters announced today.
"The August 15 earthquake devastated parts of coastal Peru. Hundreds died and thousands of families are homeless and have no food," Mr Peters said.
"Many areas remain inaccessible, and the numbers affected by the earthquake continue to rise. It's important New Zealand does what it can to help people recover from this disaster.
"NZAID, the government's international aid agency, will contribute $500,000 to the World Food Programme, which is taking the lead role in distributing food.
"Once the immediate food requirements of the most at-risk groups are met, the World Food Programme will continue to provide food aid to assist communities as they rebuild essential infrastructure.
"Working through trusted United Nations channels means that New Zealand's assistance will get quickly and reliably to those who need it most," Mr Peters said.