Rumours around Electoral Reform Changes trouble Maori Party
Speculation that Labour will engineer changes to the Electoral Finance Bill, currently before the Justice and Electoral Reform Committee, threaten to undermine the democratic process says the Maori Party.
“The Electoral Finance Bill is of such importance to the nation, that it is vital that the public own it – and that’s what the select committee is all about” says Dr Pita Sharples, Co-leader of the Maori Party. "Election finance laws must not be designed and determined by politicians and parties in isolation of the people".
“As an MMP Party, the Maori Party has not been consulted, or invited to any discussion over this Bill – and so talk in the media today that the Bill will be radically changed outside of the Select Committee process is of great concern” said Dr Sharples.
“Transparency is the means to enhance democratic political participation.” said Dr Sharples. “No Parliament or political party for that matter, should ever be so arrogant as to make changes to the nature of our democracy without testing the policy amongst the people”.
The Maori Party promotes the concept of kotahitanga where all people are encouraged to make a contribution, to have their say and then together a consensus is reached.
“It is a huge worry if the politicians tamper with the policy without opening it up to the scrutiny of the public select committee process” said Dr Sharples. “Self-interest is obviously the key problem”.
“If the rumours are true, all it shows is that First Past the Post politics still dominates the parliamentary process” said Dr Sharples.