Brownlee ignores aboriginal title

Green Party

Wednesday 7 July 2010, 7:48AM

By Green Party


“All offshore oil exploration permits should be suspended until clear title to the resource has been established beyond the 12 nautical mile limit,” David Clendon, the Green Party Maori Affairs Spokesperson said today.

“I am disturbed to learn that Crown Minerals is aware of aboriginal title issues but that Minister Brownlee is proceeding with permit offers as if it doesn’t matter.

A Crown Minerals official told the Waitangi Tribunal’s Management of the Petroleum Resource Inquiry in April that he was aware of issues with aboriginal title. It is not clear whether aboriginal title outside the 12 nautical mile limit has ever been formally extinguished by the Crown.

“The Minister needs to explain why he is proceeding with the Northland Block offer when his officials are not even certain of their title,” Mr Clendon said.

“If the Minister is aware of any potential claim to title, he should be dealing with that issue first before he accepts exploration offers from foreign firms.

“The Waitangi Tribunal is aware, Crown Minerals is aware, but the Minister doesn’t seem to care.

“The Minister needs to be up front and honest with Maori and up front and honest with the bidding oil companies regarding their rights.

“I call on the Minister to stop the permitting process until these issues are clarified to everyone’s satisfaction,” Mr Clendon said.