Ryall robs public health system

Green Party

Wednesday 7 July 2010, 10:47AM

By Green Party


The Minister of Health Tony Ryall's decision to subsidise private health providers with public money will lead to further shortfalls in health funding, the Green Party said today.

This morning Mr Ryall announced the moratorium on District Health Boards charging patients for laboratory services ordered by private specialists will be made permanent.

"The Minister's decision robs the public health system of $20 million a year, and gives it to the private health sector," Green Party Health spokesperson Kevin Hague said.

"With real term cuts to health funding in this year's budget the system cannot afford to give away resources to subsidise the private sector.

Mr Hague said that subsidising private specialists and thereby those who can afford private healthcare was a kick in the teeth for those struggling.

"This is Mr Ryall's latest attempt to undermine the public health sector and force more people to take up private health insurance.

"An underfunded public health system will hurt those who cannot afford private health care the most," Mr Hague said.