Public asked to consider issues and options for Tamahere
Waikato District Council is reviewing the Tamahere Country Living Zone Structure Plan and invites feedback on issues and options for the area.
Waikato District Council General Manager Strategy and Support Tony Whittaker says the Draft Plan looks at issues and options around how the Tamahere area will be used and developed, including those of land use around the village area, stormwater and traffic management.
“It’s important we consider connecting spaces to enhance Tamahere’s village atmosphere and public feedback is crucial in making decisions now that will enhance the potential of this area for the future,” he said.
Council have drafted an Issues and Options paper for community comment. Issues include traffic management options for Newell Road, the creation of pedestrian areas and how the rural residential focus can be maintained while still allowing for a degree of local service in the area.
“We’re also asking the community to give us feedback on the potential options for the use of Council-owned land and the former Icepak site,” said Mr Whittaker.
Following a fire at the site in April last 2008, Icepak has surrendered its rights to continue operations after an 18-month reprieve to find another site.
A public open day will be held on Thursday 29 July at the Tamahere Community Hall, Devine Road, from 3pm until 7.30pm. Council representatives will be available to discuss aspects of the Issues and Options paper and answer any questions.
The Issues and Options paper can be viewed at the open day or from Wednesday 21 July online at Feedback can be submitted at the Open Day, emailed to or posted to Anne Smyth, Waikato District Council, Private Bag 544, Ngaruawahia 3742.