Nats confusion on foreign ownership has a simple solution

Green Party

Sunday 18 July 2010, 2:00PM

By Green Party


The National Party’s ongoing confusion on foreign ownership of land has a simple solution says the Green Party - simply keep the privilege of ownership of New Zealand land for New Zealand citizens, permanent residents and companies.

“National is all over the place on foreign investment in land,” said Green Party Co-Leader Russel Norman.

John Key said we don’t want to be tenants in our own land but rejects Federated Farmers proposal that we refuse Chinese ownership of New Zealand land because China won’t allow New Zealanders to own land in China, added Dr Norman.

“Bill English says he likes family farms ahead of corporate farms yet he is currently loosening foreign investment laws so that foreign corporates can bid up the price of New Zealand land out of the reach of New Zealand family farmers.

“There is a much simpler solution - keep the privilege of ownership of New Zealand land for New Zealand citizens, permanent residents and companies. Period.

“This simple measure will take some of the pressure off rural land prices, making it easier for New Zealand families to buy a farm.

“It will also take some of the pressure of the environment because high land prices and high mortgages are pushing farmers to utilise every square centimetre of their land for more and more production.

“It will also help our current account deficit, as less profits will flow overseas.

“And it will mean that Fonterra won’t be undercut by foreign competitors.

“New Zealand should not be selling off our best assets to Chinese, American or Australian investors,” said Dr Norman.