Vice-Chancellor to lead on-line student forum

Wednesday 21 July 2010, 8:16AM

By Massey University


Vice-Chancellor Steve Maharey will host an on-line student forum tomorrow where he will answer questions about all aspects of the University, including fees, enrolment policies and the impact of changes to Government funding.

It is the second year he has held a meeting with students to get their feedback and address their concerns.

The forum starts at noon at the Manawatu campus in Social Sciences Lecture Block (theatre one). An interactive presentation will be streamed live over the Internet to enable participation from students from all campuses as well as the 17,000 who study extramurally. Questions can be posed via email while watching the live stream.

Extramural Students’ Society president Ralph Springett says communication is the key to building much needed trust between students and management – particularly during a period of considerable change.

“The way students perceive the University is influential to the way they engage with their studies,” Mr Springett says. “This type of event is one avenue through which effective communication can build that trust, making students aware of the challenges the University faces, and assuring them that any decisions made that could affect their study, are well considered.”

Mr Springett says digitisation of course material is a key issue he hopes to hear addressed. “How far and fast will it progress and how will the process impact on students?”

Massey University Students’ Association president Kent Geary, based at the Manawatu campus, says he hopes students will come away with a better understanding of the running of the University and where their student fees go.

“This forum reinforces the close working relationship that students have with the University. Direct student engagement with the Vice Chancellor is important for a number of reasons, we want to see and understand that our fees are being managed and spent correctly.

“Also with the large number of changes that are currently taking place within the University it is important that the quality of services, education and support is maintained and expanded,” Mr Geary says.

Wellington Students’ Association president Alex Lloyd says many students at other universities do not get?theopportunity to engage directly with their Vice-Chancellor.

“Any chance for students and the Vice-Chancellor to talk like this, is important for both parties and creates a constructive link between students and management.

The forum and presentation can be viewed live online and after the event here.