Exercise Snow Storm

Otago Regional Council

Monday 26 July 2010, 8:05AM

By Otago Regional Council



The Otago Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) Group is holding an exercise this week based on a simulated snowstorm affecting most of Otago.

Otago CDEM Group co-ordinator Scott McNaughtonaid the exercise would provide the agencies involved with an opportunity to activate their emergency operating centres, and practice the co-ordination of response activities.

The exercise scenario is centred on a major snowfall hitting most of the region.

Impacts will include major disruption to transport; rural communities being cut off; essential supply shortages; and power and telecommunications outages.

Mr McNaughton said there would be special emphasis in the exercise on the linkages and procedures territorial authorities and the group Emergency Operations Centres follow in a civil defence emergency, especially where rural support networks and lifeline utilities are concerned.

Throughout the exercise EOC's will operate in Dunedin, Oamaru, Balclutha, Alexandra and Queenstown. The Group Emergency Operating Centre will be based at the Otago Regional Council offices in Stafford Street, Dunedin.

"The exercise will test the capacity and effectiveness of civil defence and emergency management resources across Otago. It will focus on the co-ordination and communication between all CDEM Group member organisations," Mr McNaughton said.

The exercise will be held over four hours from 1 pm to 5 pm on Tuesday 27 July and will not involve any outside activities that will affect the public