Between The Sheets – It's not porn

Charity Matters

Tuesday 3 August 2010, 10:19AM

By Charity Matters


If you’ve arrived here on the hunt for hardcore porn, sorry but you’re going to be disappointed. If you need Carrie Bradshaw to solve your relationship woes, you’ve also taken a wrong turn (and need to sort your life out!) – These are the opening few lines on new blog “Between The Sheets” by Jil O’Brien

In putting together the Blog, Jil’s aim is to bring bedroom activities out in the open, to share tips on ways to improve the sex lives of couples.

Jil aims to capture the hearts and sexual imagination of her readers by talking openly, and frankly about such things as Oral Sex Technique, Masturbation and Swinging.

Careful to avoid being seen as a ‘porn’ blog, as Jil says “that’s been done to death in the blogging sphere and secondly, I simply don’t have wild, uninhibited hot sex with nameless strangers. Rather I have head-on, full speed collisions.”

“I’m fortunate that my relationship experiences have given me the sexual freedom to explore learn and discover. I’m more than willing to share what I’ve picked up along my journey and so; readers looking for honest upfront sex information, tips and discussion – welcome to my world.”

Hesitant to describe the future content of her site as ‘Vanilla Sex’, and while sexual fetishism isn’t really her thing, she’s not adverse to a bit of kink.

The blog will be a variety show of sorts; as well as some in-depth sex guides, she’ll interview friends about bizarre and awesome sexual experiences, take you on a tour of Auckland’s sexiest spots and keep you up to date on the latest sex toys and pleasure products.

She wants to know about you too; your burning desires, your conflations of power and romance, your awesome sexual experiences and your paralyzing mistakes.

This is bound to be a blog that will capture the hearts, minds and imagination of its readers.