Napier aims for 'International Safe Community' Status

Napier City Council

Tuesday 3 August 2010, 3:23PM

By Napier City Council



Napier is progressing toward gaining accreditation as an International Safe Community of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre on community safety promotion. 

Tuesday 17th August 2010 will see a site visit to Napier by Doctor Carolyn Coggan, Director of Safe Communities Foundation NZ, working on behalf of the World Health Organization.  The team will be evaluating the work of the agencies involved against six criteria to become accredited as an International Safe Community.

Dr Coggan’s view is that “the International Safe Community model keeps communities centred on carrying out practical useful programmes that achieve overall community safety goals for their community. Having the international safe community framework that includes a data collection and evaluation component helps support this.”

Mayor Barbara Arnott says we can work collaboratively and use all of our community resources to support each other and improve the safety, health and social well-being of residents and visitors in Napier.

The Safe Communities Napier working committee are currently working on safety related projects that include falls prevention, road transport initiatives, alcohol accord, urban design for safer streets and shopping centres, work place safety, community patrols and surveillance, fire safety programmes in schools, graffiti reduction and crime prevention initiatives across the city. 

 “There are clear goals and tangible outcomes for community safety that can be achieved by this collaborative approach between the government agencies and key community service providers.” says Rob Lutter, Chairperson for the Safe Communities Napier project.