Manawatu District briefs

Manawatu District Council

Thursday 5 August 2010, 8:10AM

By Manawatu District Council



Rongotea ratepayers have week to respond. 
Rongotea ratepayers have until next Friday (August 13) to respond to a survey regarding a voluntary water supply for the town. The residents have been asked if such a supply would benefit Rongotea in the long term and whether they would be interested in connecting in year one at the lower cost or in the future. An information meeting is also to be held in the Rongotea Library from 3pm to 7pm tomorrow (August 5).

Shame game into the spotlight
Shame! is the theme for the Makino Aquatic Centre’s latest party for tweens and teens at the indoor pool from 7pm to 9pm on Friday, March 6. Revellers are encouraged to put their embarrassment at worshipping the likes of the Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls or Barbies to one side and be proud to say, “they’re cool”. Entry cost is $3 and the party also features loud music, water canon and the inflatable special, Octonut and Spanner.

Water billing goes four monthly

Manawatu District Council is moving its water billing process period from two months to four months so it can align water billing with rating instalments. Revenue Team Leader, Vicki Wills, said this meant that ratepayers would receive their water invoice three times a year instead of the current six. The next billing periods are from July to October 2010 (invoice sent in November), November 2010 to February 2011 (invoice sent in March) and March to June 2011 (invoice sent in July). “If you are on a water meter the water rates paid through the rating system will be credited to your water account,” she said “and should your water consumption be more than your annual water levy you will receive a bill from council for this extra consumption.”