Trade Me jobs for sale for 90 days

Labour Party

Thursday 5 August 2010, 6:32PM

By Labour Party


Six jobs advertised on Trade Me and another on Seek blatantly break the existing 90 day trial law, proving that the Prime Minister’s claim that employers are using the law responsibly is rubbish, says Darien Fenton, Labour’s Associate spokesperson for labour issues.

"After a quick trawl through the Trade Me and Seek sites, I managed to find six advertisements for web developers and designers, pet groomers, sales staff and a structural engineer, all of which say “the 90 day trial period will apply,” Darien Fenton said.

“These advertisements show that employers are already breaking the existing 90 day trial legislation by making a 90 day trial a pre-condition of employment.

“The Prime Minister and the Minister of Labour have claimed that employers are acting responsibly and workers are being treated fairly.

“These advertisements show that smaller employers already think they have the right to impose a 90 day trial period without any discussion with a prospective employee or negotiation in good faith.

“The Minister needs to tell Kiwi wage and salary earners how she plans to stop this abuse spreading if National goes ahead with its plan to extend the 90 day trial period to all employers and employees,” Darien Fenton says.