Benefit figures rise by 0.4% in July

Friday 6 August 2010, 5:29PM

By Paula Bennett


July figures show Unemployment Benefit numbers dropped in Auckland and Waikato but rose in other areas said Social Development Minister Paula Bennett.

"With Unemployment Benefit numbers down 2.1% in Auckland and 3.2% in Waikato, but up in other areas, it's clear the recovery is patchy," says Ms Bennett

As always for this time of year, Unemployment Benefit figures rose in largely agricultural areas where seasonal work has come to an end.

Fruit packing and freezing works have ended in Southern, East Coast, Bay of Plenty and Nelson, though many affected by winter closures will be re-employed in spring.

"We are still seeing thousands of New Zealanders go off benefits and into work - in just the last month, 4,044 beneficiaries found jobs," says Ms Bennett.

The number of youth on the Unemployment Benefit increased by 1.8% in July, a slowing increase, which is attributed to measures targeting youth unemployment.

In the last quarter, the number on the Unemployment Benefit dropped for Pacific, Youth and Aucklanders.

‘This shows that we're making a difference, but there is no magic solution to the

effects of a recession, it's a long haul back to prosperity," says Ms Bennett.

There are 334,100 New Zealanders currently on benefits, an increase of 1,176 from June to July.

"The growth in benefit numbers is slowing, but we have a long way to go yet," says Social Development Minister Paula Bennett.

Benefit figures regularly increase from June to July as seasonal work ends, but this month saw the lowest seasonal July rise in five years.