ARC encourages public submissions on draft dolphin rescue plan

Auckland Regional Council

Tuesday 4 September 2007, 12:09PM

By Auckland Regional Council



A Draft Threat Management Plan to save the Maui’s and Hector’s dolphin, released by the government last week, is a positive step in the right direction says Auckland Regional Council (ARC) Deputy Chair Christine Rose, who is encouraging people to make submissions.

The urgent campaign to save the critically endangered Hector’s and Maui’s dolphin is backed by the ARC, with unanimous support from all seven local councils as well as Northland Regional Council and Environment Waikato.

Cr Christine Rose, says:

“Some of the measures included in the draft plan are really positive, but I believe to do our best for these dolphins we need to do more.

“Making a submission on the plan is a great way to get involved and do something that could actually have a huge and direct impact on the future of these beautiful and friendly creatures.

“I believe that a national set net ban and tighter restrictions on trawlers may eventually save these animals.

“I am hopeful that the very real threat of extinction will ensure that these issues will be addressed in the final plan.”

The decline in dolphin populations is alarming: in the 1970s it’s estimated that there were over 26,000 Hector’s and Maui’s dolphins. Today there are just 7000.

The dolphins’ desperate plight has not only motivated councils. Recent public surveys by Forest and Bird found that 98% of people are in favour of a set net ban to save the dolphins.

“This wave of public and council support is great news for these dolphins.

“As well as Forest and Bird’s campaign, more than 4000 people have signed a petition and over 11,000 postcards have been sent to ministers supporting more efforts to save the species,” says Cr Rose.

Copies of the Draft Threat Management Plan are available from the Ministry of Fisheries and it is also on their website ( which also contains instructions on making a submission.