Death of Syd Jackson a major loss

Green Party

Tuesday 4 September 2007, 12:11PM

By Green Party


Syd Jackson excelled as a broadcaster, activist and trade unionist, but was - most of all - a major leader, who through his role in Nga Tamatoa brought Treaty issues to the forefront of the political agenda, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.

"He was unswerving in his commitment to Te Tiriti, and he blazed a clear trail for the generation of Maori activists who came after him," Ms Fitzsimons says.

"He helped to make being Maori at university a strength for those of us uncertain of our right to be there. He showed us that radical, tertiary educated Maori can be a major force for change," Greens' Maori Affairs Spokesperson Metiria Turei says.

"Syd was also well known to other Green MPs through his trade union work - and particularly through his groundbreaking efforts in organising Maori workers through their own kaupapa Maori union," Greens' Industrial Relations Spokesperson Sue Bradford says.

The Green Party extends to the Jackson whanau their deepest sympathies.