Nine new citizens receive certificates in Thames
National Anthem read aloud in appreciation during Thames-Coromandel District Council Citizenship Ceremony.
Nine new citizens from four countries gave affirmations or oaths of allegiance at Thames-Coromandel District Council's (TCDC) Citizenship Ceremony last week.
The Coromandel-Peninsula's newest citizens are: Christopher Hashimoto and Steven Pack from the United Kingdom, Renee Brown Douglas from Switzerland, Elisabeth Crago from the Unites States of America, Marion Cressey and Stefanie Durre from Germany and Ga, Peter and Mary Nguyen from Vietnam.
After the singing of the New Zealand National Anthem, personal expressions were made by some of the new citizens, including a reading of the words of the National Anthem, a prayer and expressions of appreciation for citizenship.
Thames-Coromandel Mayor Philippa Barriball led the ceremony and in addition to presenting each new citizen with their official certificates, presented each with a native tree donated by the Thames Coast Protection Society. The trees symbolise the putting down of roots for the latest in a long line of visitors who have chosen to make the Peninsula home.