Workplan and timeframes for Environment Canterbury outlined

Environment Canterbury

Saturday 21 August 2010, 9:24AM

By Environment Canterbury



Environment Canterbury’s commissioners have released the letter provided to Environment Minister Nick Smith and Local Government Minister Rodney Hide outlining the work programme for the organisation. The letter sets out the delivery of agreed outcomes and key milestones and reflects areas of priority for the Commissioners between now and October, 2013.

It is a formal response to a request from the Ministers at the end of May, asking for the Commissioners to have a work plan set out by July 31, 2010.

“We have set an ambitious programme of work for staff and ourselves as commissioners. It requires a constructive engagement with territorial authorities, Ngai Tahu and other stakeholders, particularly around freshwater management,” said Chair of Commissioners Dame Margaret Bazley.

“It is an exciting time to be involved in resource management in this region, with the Canterbury Water Management Strategy gaining traction and statutory mechanisms like the Hurunui moratorium enabling us to ensure there will be a planned approach to water allocation and restoration in that catchment.

“We are committed to achieving long-term, sustainable solutions across environmental, economic, cultural and social community goals for all of Canterbury.”

There are four outcomes agreed with the Ministers:

  • Canterbury’s natural resources are effectively managed in an integrated, comprehensive and forward looking manner within a robust regional planning and policy framework. Freshwater management will have a particular focus.
  • Environment Canterbury’s institutional arrangements are fit for purpose and effectively support the regional planning and policy framework and the discharge of all the Councils functions, responsibilities and duties.
  • Environment Canterbury has durable and collaborative relationships with Canterbury’s territorial authorities, iwi and other key stakeholders.
  • Environment Canterbury has effectively carried out all its functions as a regional council and met all its statutory obligations, including those committed to in its annual plan and long-term council community plan.

There are four specific timeframes outlined:

  • Making decisions on the Natural Resources Regional Plan (NRRP) - Water plan chapters notified October 2010.
  • Making recommendations on the Hurunui River Water Conservation Order. Hearing on revised application early 2011.
  • Review and implement the findings of the review of Environment Canterbury’s institutional arrangements. First report due end of September 2010.
  • Working with Canterbury territorial authorities to develop and implement the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS). By September 2010, four zone committees and the regional committee established; Immediate Steps Biodiversity programme for freshwater priorities started.

The commissioners have also agreed on a joint work programme with Ngai Tahu in managing the region’s natural resources, recognising the relationship of Ngai Tahu as tangata whenua of Waitaha/Canterbury.

The letter outlines each of the four outcomes and key milestones. It is available at: