Life's a beach!

Dunedin City Council

Tuesday 24 August 2010, 11:11AM

By Dunedin City Council



A FREE workshop dealing with the threat climate change poses for Dunedin's coastal communities will provide advice about how to safeguard our coastline by restoring our dune systems.

DCC Coastal Parks Officer, Renee Gordon, is thrilled the New Zealand Dunes Trust is running the workshop and bringing their expertise to Dunedin. "We've been working hard to restore the city's dunes and we hope the Trust’s participation will extend residents’ understanding of coast care and the role that plays in protecting our city."

While erosion is a natural occurrence on our dunes, many dune systems have been heavily modified by human life to the point where they are no longer able to withstand erosion. This has the potential to threaten coastal communities along the Dunedin coastline.

Coastal foredunes backing sandy beaches play a major role in the mitigation of coastal hazards and the protection of the natural and human-use values of beaches.

Dune vegetation authority Dr David Bergin says, "The good news is that we know many degraded dune systems can be restored relatively cheaply using native dune plants."

Dr Bergin is one of the speakers gathering at the NZ Dunes Trust Climate Change all-day workshop at Long Beach on Saturday 11 September.

The workshop is free but booking is essential as space is limited. Email Ms Gordon at for bookings or further information, or visit