JAZZ™ Apples Tune in to Social Media in North America

Wednesday 25 August 2010, 11:41AM



ENZA JAZZ Apples around North America and New Zealand.
ENZA JAZZ Apples around North America and New Zealand. Credit: ENZA
ENZA JAZZ Apples around North America and New Zealand.
ENZA JAZZ Apples around North America and New Zealand. Credit: ENZA
ENZA JAZZ Apples around North America and New Zealand.
ENZA JAZZ Apples around North America and New Zealand. Credit: ENZA

U.S. culinary magazine Cook’s Illustrated recently proclaimed ENZA JAZZ™ apples as “the first fruit to go viral.” And with such social media platforms as Facebook and Twitter chiming in with the North American marketing efforts surrounding the New Zealand fruit, the title seems to fit.

“Social media is an interesting engagement tool, because you can have immediate conversations with people who are curious about your product, ,” said David Nelley, apple and pear category director for the Vancouver, B.C.-based Oppenheimer Group, exclusive marketer of JAZZ™ apples in the U.S. and Canada.

Oppenheimer has been marketing partner for ENZA New Zealand apples since the mid-1950s, introducing such varieties as Granny Smith, Braeburn, Royal Gala, Pacific Rose™ and JAZZ. Managed variety JAZZ™, which originated in New Zealand but is now grown by hand-selected, licensed producers in both hemispheres, has become ENZA’s largest volume apple export to the U.S.

“The tangy-sweet flavor of JAZZ™ helps the apple stand up to the taste competition it faces during summer,” Nelley said. “But it’s the crunch relative to other varieties that wins new fans to this apple. Demographically and geographically targeted Facebook users are invited to ‘crunch and win’ by sampling at local tasting events and entering contests that award such prizes as an Apple iPad.”

Nelley explained that while JAZZ™ apples’ Facebook presence is reaching an ever-widening consumer audience, efforts on Twitter are also connecting with a more “foodie” audience.

“We’re finding most of our Twitter conversations take place with food and lifestyle bloggers and media, as well as people who just love talking about things that taste great, like JAZZ™ apples,” he said.

Throughout the month of August, JAZZ™ apples are being featured in high profile sampling occasions at grocery stores, community events and other venues across the US. Bloggers have been invited to visit the events, and they’ve heightened the profile of the program with their own posts, Nelley said.
“We’re driving traffic toward JAZZ™ apples using innovative tactics, some new, like social media, and some tried and true, like sampling,” he said.

Nelley recounts an observation from a recent retail sampling event in Texas, which he says typifies the JAZZ™ apple experience.

“It is funny to watch people as they take their first bite of JAZZ™,” he said. “Without fail we see faces light up. Some shoppers are really busy or in a hurry. They pick up an apple slice politely and quickly walk off. And more often than not, after they take a bite they will spin around and hurry back to learn more about this special apple. It’s priceless, because you know the apple has delivered an experience they will remember.”
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