Repeated pollution incidents in Takapu Stream cause for concern

Greater Wellington Regional Council

Tuesday 31 August 2010, 8:16AM

By Greater Wellington Regional Council



Milky white discharges, iron oxide-coloured liquid and foam have been entering the Takapu Stream recently and Greater Wellington is keen to hear from anyone who may know more.

“The Takapu Stream is receiving these pollutants from a stormwater outlet at the bottom of Jamaica Drive where it meets Takapu Road near the industrial zone in Grenada North,” Greater Wellington Environmental Protection acting team leader Naomi Middleton says.

“We are pretty sure that the foam is from a cleaning agent, and the milky white discharge could be paint or cement washwater, but we have been unable to locate the source of either.”

Samples have been sent to a laboratory for analysis. Capacity Infrastructure Services is also investigating whether the iron oxide coloured liquid could be leachate, and is currently trying to identify a source.

Naomi says Greater Wellington ran a Take Charge pollution prevention programme in the area a couple of years ago, so the repeated incidents of pollution are cause for concern.

“We would like to remind businesses that it is illegal to put anything other than water down the stormwater drains and under the Resource Management Act offenders can be fined or prosecuted.

“River and stream health is a major issue for the Wellington region and discharges of pollutants like these make it harder for our aquatic animals and plants to survive and flourish.

“The Takapu Stream drains into the Porirua Stream, which contains a whitebait fishery and is an important habitat for the giant kokopu, a threatened native fish species.

“Naturally we are very keen to hear from anyone who may know more about these incidents.”

Greater Wellington operates a 24-hour Environmental Protection Hotline (free phone 0800 496 734).