Canon develops world's largest CMOS image sensor, with ultra-high sensitivity

Wednesday 1 September 2010, 8:07AM

By Canon


Canon announced today that it has successfully developed the world's largest*1 CMOS image sensor, with a chip size measuring 202 x 205 mm
Canon announced today that it has successfully developed the world's largest*1 CMOS image sensor, with a chip size measuring 202 x 205 mm Credit: Canon

Canon announced today that it has successfully developed the world’s largest* 1 CMOS imagesensor, with a chip size measuring 202 x 205 mm. Because its expanded size enables greater light-gathering capability, the sensor is capable of capturing images in one one-hundredth the amountof light required by a professional-model digital SLR camera.At 202 x 205 mm, the newly developed CMOS sensor is among the largest chips that can beproduced from a 12-inch (300 mm) wafer, and is approximately 40 times the size of Canon’slargest commercial CMOS sensor.* 2

“Canon reinvests close to 10% of global net sales into R&D each year to ensure that we continueto push boundaries and stay at the technological forefront in digital imaging,” says Kim Conner,General Manager, Consumer Imaging Products Group, Canon New Zealand. “The new CMOSsensor is a breakthrough in extreme low-light image capture.”Canon’s ultra-large-scale CMOS sensor (left)alongside a 35 mm full-frame CMOS sensor 

In the past, enlarging the size of the sensor resulted in an increase in the amount of time requiredbetween the receiving and transmission of data signals, which posed a challenge to achievinghigh-speed readout.

Canon, however, solved this problem through an innovative circuit design,making possible the realization of a massive video-compatible CMOS sensor. Additionally, byensuring the cleanest of cleanroom environments during the production process, the sensorminimizes image imperfections and dust.Because the increased size of the new CMOS sensor allows more light to be gathered, it enablesshooting in low-light environments.

The sensor makes possible the image capture in one one-hundredth the amount of light required by a 35 mm full-frame CMOS sensor, facilitating theshooting of 60 frame-per-second video with a mere 0.3 lux of illumination* 3 .Potential applications for the new high-sensitivity CMOS sensor include the video recording ofstars in the night sky and nocturnal animal behaviour

“Canon consistently ranks in the top four patent-registering organisations worldwide, and thisrecent development follows our announcement last week of the world’s first APS-H-size CMOSsensor to realise record-high resolution of 120MP,” continued Conner.“I am confident that our long-term commitment to developing innovative core technologies will seeCanon continue to challenge the boundaries of imaging expression and, in doing so, redefinewhat’s possible in the future.”*1 As of August 27, 2010.

Based on a Canon study.*2 The approximately 21.1 megapixel 35 mm full-frame CMOS sensor employed in the company’sEOS-1Ds Mark III and EOS 5D Mark II digital SLR cameras*3 Approximately one-half the brightness of a moonlit night

About Canon

Canon New Zealand is a leading provider of advanced, simple-to-use imaging solutions forbusinesses and consumers. Canon has ranked among the top-four US patent recipients for thepast 16 years, and had global revenues of around $US34.8 billion in 2009. Canon New Zealand alsooperates Canon Finance New Zealand, which offers one-stop shopping for customers wantingleasing or finance services. For more information, visit