Greens show the way for Energy Strategy

Green Party

Thursday 2 September 2010, 10:52AM

By Green Party


Green Party MPs Metiria Turei and Kennedy Graham challenged Minister Brownlee’s vision with a forward looking submission on the Government’s draft Energy Strategy today.

“Minister Brownlee is clearly bereft of ideas on how we can transition to a low-carbon, clean-tech economy, so we are offering to help,” Metiria Turei, Green Party Co-leader said.

Submissions on the Government’s draft Energy Strategy (NZES) and Energy Efficiency and Conservation Strategy (NZEECS) close at the end of business today. The Minister has recommended that the current strategies, due to expire in 2012, be replaced and cut down from 198 pages to just 34, eliminating many of the programmes.

“The Greens are determined to transition to a smart economy that delivers real prosperity for everyone,” Mrs Turei said, “this draft strategy will take us back to the 19th century.”

The Green Party’s Energy spokesperson, Dr Kennedy Graham, decried the draft strategy’s emphasis on more fossil fuels, and emphasised the smart option would preserve our natural capital for future generations by investing in a renewable energy revolution.

“The strategy makes some noises about a future with more renewable energy, but fails to commit any funding or programmes to achieve that future,” Dr Graham said.

“Instead, John Key’s energy policy is to dig stuff up and sell it as fast as possible.

“We need to create jobs that are good for the environment and good for people, not jobs based on finite resources and the choking boom and bust of the minerals industry.

“We also need a genuine price on carbon.”
Mrs Turei agreed, pointing out that what is good for the environment is good for the economy and the people of New Zealand.

“We know that our future is not based on dirty coal and oil, but our clean green reputation and our culture of #8 wire innovation. Where is this Government’s vision?

“We’re here to help,” Mrs Turei said.

The text of their submission is available at: