Auckland student loses locks for Pakistan

Friday 3 September 2010, 7:22PM

By Method Communications


Ash before and after 'the chop' today in Newmarket
Ash before and after 'the chop' today in Newmarket Credit: Method Communications


Teenage boys and their hair. Short, long, emo, Frodo-Baggins style or the much misunderstood mullet, boys locks are a source of much pride in their adolescent years. That's why it's such a big deal today for Epsom resident Ash Bartlett to have parted with the dreadlocks it's taken him two years to grow. But he thinks the cause is worth it – flood relief in Pakistan.

Ash, 14, a student at ACG Parnell started a trade me auction where people can bid/donate/sponsor towards his efforts. All money will go to UNICEF to help the victims of this devastating natural disaster. Even though the cut has taken place, people can still donate till the auction closes at 8pm Friday 10 September. Gareth Morgan, economist and UNICEF Ambassador, is now matching donations for Unicef's Pakistan Children’s Appeal dollar for dollar making it an even better fundraiser.

"I haven't done a huge amount of charity work before but when I saw the floods on the news it really hit home. I think it was the comparison that the land area which has been covered in water is the same size as our whole country. Imagine the whole of New Zealand underwater. It's a horrible thought." says Ash, a Year 10 student.

Ash is known for his hair. His friends at ACG Parnell can't believe he's cut it off. He's had a wide variety of styles over the years, including a huge afro. He started growing his hair long two years ago and got it put into dreads at the beginning of this year. He can't believe how different it feels – and cold – "I can't believe how warm my head used to be. I was shivering on the way home from the hairdresser's today."

ACG Parnell Principal Larne Edmeades says "We strongly encourage students to get involved in charity in any way they can. We know it's not just academic results that make students succeed in the real world and we have a strong focus in trying to turn out well-rounded individuals with a strong sense of empathy and community. We're really proud of Ash for doing this."

The Pakistan floods began in July this year following heavy monsoon rains in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, Punjab and Balochistan regions of Pakistan. Present estimates indicate that over two thousand people have died and over a million homes have been destroyed since the flooding began. The United Nations estimates that more than twenty million people are injured or homeless as a result of the flooding. Officials estimate the total economic impact to be as much as 43 billion USD.

UN Secretary-general Ban Ki-Moon has asked for an initial $460 million for emergency relief, noting that the flood was the worst disaster he had ever seen. This is a staggering initial target, is one of which every dollar counts. Every donation makes a different and has an effect on Pakistan’s people. Open your purses; support Ash and his new minimalist styling for the greater good. He's even kept the dreads in case the winner wants them!

Trade me listing

UNICEF article


For more information contact:
Alexia Santamaria
(09) 8346697 (021) 337772

Larne Edmeades
(09) 3081666