Wellington Ready to Help Out
Wellington Mayor Kerry Prendergast says City Council staff will travel south to help out in Christchurch and around Canterbury if they are needed.
Mayor Prendergast says she made the offer of help to Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker yesterday - and that a formal offer has also been made via the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management.
"While I'm aware that everyone is coping very well with the tasks at hand, extra civil-defence staff, water and drainage engineers, structural engineers, building inspectors and environmental health staff might end up needed as the true scale of the damage in Canterbury becomes more apparent - and the local people start to need a break.
"Our thoughts are obviously with the people of Canterbury - and we will have no hesitation in getting people down there to help out if they are required."
Mayor Prendergast says it is a miracle that no-one has been killed by the quake - and that it serves "as an absolutely stark reminder" to Wellingtonians about the need to be properly prepared for a big quake or other emergency.
"If you haven't got stored water and emergency food and other provisions for you and your family, how about you sort it out this week?
"Do you and your family and neighbours have an emergency plan?
"This is probably a perfect time to grab a copy of the Yellow Pages and give the emergency advice at the back a read, or check the Get Ready Get Thru website - run by the Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management.
"What happened yesterday in Canterbury could also happen in Wellington at any time. We simply cannot afford to be complacent."