Christchurch earthquake - Building Access

Christchurch City Council

Monday 6 September 2010, 7:20PM

By Christchurch City Council



Messages for Employers and Building Owners about access to buildings:

Inside cordoned area - these buildings cannot be accessed currently by
the general public, but building owners can uplift a permission to enter
the cordon area for the purpose of inspecting their building. The
permission can be uplifted from the Emergency Operations Centre located
at that Christchurch Art Galley on Montreal Street.

In relation to all areas if a building has a Green, Yellow or Red

* Green placard - the building has had an initial assessment and
there is no restriction on use or occupancy. Follow the instructions on
the placard. Please note that in some circumstances Council will
conduct an additional more detailed evaluation to verify the green
placard status.
* Yellow placard - building has been inspected. Follow the
instructions on the placard. A second more detailed inspection may
allow the placard to be upgraded to green status. These second
evaluations will be carried out by Council on a priority basis, however,
building owners should engage a structural engineer which may allow
earlier occupation.
* Red placard - building has had initial assessment and is not OK
to use. A second evaluation will be carried out by Council on a
priority basis. To clear the building for use the building owner needs
to engage a structural engineer and arrange for their engineer to
provide a report declaring the building is safe for purpose to Council
via the Emergency Operations Centre

Please be patient as there are many damaged buildings and high demand
for inspection services.

If building does not have a Green, Yellow or Red placard:

* It is the building owners or occupiers responsibility to check
the structural integrity of any building particularly those open to the
public. Check the building by observation from the outside initially.
If there is no visible damage then you may check the inside of the
building at your own risk. If there is any visible damage or you have
concerns then the building owner should engage a structural engineer and
arrange for their engineer to provide a report declaring the building is
safe for intended purpose to Council via the Emergency Operations

All structural engineer reports commissioned privately by building
owners need to be forwarded to Council via the Emergency Operations
Centre. These can be emailed to

Please take care moving around the city and visiting buildings. Stay
clear of any buildings which are obviously damaged. Be aware of
possible falling glass or other debris particularly if winds pick up.