Metro copes with disrupted streets

Environment Canterbury

Tuesday 7 September 2010, 5:44PM

By Environment Canterbury



Metro bus services and ferry operations resumed today to greater Christchurch. This is after three days with no services following Saturday morning’s earthquake. Wayne Holton-Jeffreys, Acting Director Operations said that Metro drivers and bus companies had coped well with the re-introduction of bus services today.

“We are happy to be back on the roads and drivers have had a bit of a reality check on the conditions of the roads since the earthquake. We are accommodating as much as we can and at this stage are playing it by ear as the cordons change within the Central Business District (CBD),” says Mr Holton-Jeffreys.

“Passenger numbers were light this morning but have progressively got steady this afternoon as the public became aware that the buses were back in business.”

“The bus exchange will soon be operational, even if it means that the buses have to U-turn in Lichfield St to avoid the cordons around the CBD. The companies have professional drivers and will work hard to ensure the best service for Christchurch residents.”

Mr Holton-Jeffreys suggests that people be aware that the situation in the city may change, so the location of the drop off points will also change.

Metroinfo staff fielded over 2100 calls by 5.00pm today and have coped well with the demand. If travellers have any queries about the bus services, call Metroinfo on 3 66 88 55 or check