NZ Green Party congratulates Australian Greens - Green Party Media Release

Green Party

Wednesday 8 September 2010, 8:33AM

By Green Party


NZ Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman today congratulated his Australian Green counterparts on their involvement in Australia’s next government.
“This is a great opportunity for Australia to begin moving ahead on climate change,” said Dr Norman.

“11% of Australian’s voted for the Greens in the recent election. Due to Australia’s parliamentary system this did not result in proportional representation for those voters who supported the Green Party.

“However there is now a real opportunity to move ahead on tackling climate change due to the deal the Australian Greens signed with Ms Gillard.”

Under the Australian Green Party’s agreement with Prime Minister Gillard a well resourced climate change committee will be set up. The Committee will be resourced like a Cabinet Committee. Reducing carbon pollution by 2020 will likely require a carbon price according to this agreement.

Link to the Agreement