New trains a step in the right direction

Green Party

Thursday 9 September 2010, 4:06PM

By Green Party



The long awaited arrival of the Matangi trains was welcomed by the Green Party today.

“We hope the new trains will lead to a much needed renaissance in Wellington rail commuter service, which has suffered from huge disruptions over recent months,” said Green Party Wellington Transport spokesperson Sue Kedgley.

Rail patronage had declined significantly in the last year, said Ms Kedgley, due to delays and other disruptions to service.

“It’s fantastic to have the new trains which Wellingtonians have been waiting years for,” said Ms Kedgley.

“What we now need is to restore credibility to the service by getting the trains to run on time and provide a more reliable service.

“The Green Party applauds the additional accessibility that was built into the carriage design for people with limited mobility.

“It is however worrying that the new trains may not be able to accommodate bicycles at peak hour.

“Trains and buses that can carry bikes are a smart, cost-effective way to extend the reach of our transport system.”

Last year in Wellington over 11 million trips were made by rail, which carries over 40 per cent of the peak public transport trips.

Rail can carry significantly more people than cars into the city at peak hour, roughly the equivalent of ten motorway lanes of traffic.

“Rail is an essential part of Wellington’s transport system, and will become even more important in the future to reduce congestion and demand for car parking, as well as reduce vulnerability to high oil prices.

“We hope that the Government and Greater Wellington will continue to invest in improvements to rail,” said Ms Kedgley.