Thames Valley responds to Christchurch Civil Defence call

Thames Coromandel District Council

Friday 10 September 2010, 4:11PM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



Building Inspection and Welfare response team sent to help in Canterbury

A building inspection and welfare response team has been sent to Christchurch to help recovery efforts in the aftermath of the Canterbury earthquake.

Thames Valley Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) responded to a Canterbury CDEM request by sending building inspectors and staff with emergency welfare training from Thames-Coromandel, Hauraki and Matamata-Piako District Councils.

Civil Defence Director, John Hamilton said the main priorities are to continue the recovery work targeting the areas needing attention.

“We’re shifting our efforts toward assessing people’s needs; welfare staff are working with building inspectors to see that the appropriate services are provided to the residential population, including psycho-social support.”

By 8am today the 0800 Government helpline (0800 779 997) had received almost 9000 calls, with most calls focused on damage to property, employment subsidies and food grants.

About 300 displaced people are staying overnight at the two Christchurch City welfare centres.