Committee Agrees to Lower City Centre Speeds
The city's 'Golden Mile' looks set to have the same speed limit from start to finish.
Back in 2006, the Wellington City Council reduced the speed limit along Lambton Quay, the lower part of Willis Street, Mercer Street and a small section of Customhouse Quay from 50 km/h to 30 km/h following a recommendation from the Wellington Coroner. Since then, there has been a reduction in the number and severity of crashes in those areas.
The Council's Strategy and Policy Committee agreed this week to extend the 30 km/h speed limit along Courtenay Place, Manners Street, Inglewood Place and parts of Willis, Boulcott, Victoria, Dixon, Taranaki and Tory streets.
It also agreed on a 10 km/h speed limit for the new shared public space which is to be developed in lower Cuba Street next year. A final decision on the speed limit changes is expected to be made at the Council meeting on 29 September.
The Council's Associate Portfolio Leader Urban Development and Transport Hayley Wain said the change should reduce serious crashes, improve pedestrian safety and encourage more active transport such as walking and cycling.
The lower speed limits were flagged back in November 2008 as part of the proposal to create a more direct bus route through the central city and feedback at that stage was very supportive.
The Council carried out a more thorough consultation under its speed limits bylaw in June and July and received 87 submissions, with the majority supporting the change.
The new speed limits will take effect on 28 November.