Council's year busy with achievements, challenges

Taranaki Regional Council

Tuesday 21 September 2010, 2:31PM

By Taranaki Regional Council



The Taranaki Regional Council says the 2009/2010 year was one of important achievements in the face of economic challenges.

Improving New Plymouth bus services and successfully securing the future of Pukeiti are two major highlights in the Annual Report which was adopted by the Council today.

The Chairman, David MacLeod, says the bus service revamp was the biggest change in the region's public transport for 20 years, while Pukeiti's move into public ownership not only secures its future but will also result in greater use of the world-class gardens.

He says the Council also continued to deliver its core functions efficiently and effectively, playing a significant role in Taranaki's economic and environmental success.

Good progress was made in flagship activities such as the riparian management programme and pest management programmes, including successful collaboration with the Department of Conservation to ensure the effectiveness of the anti-predator Operation Egmont.

"The Council processed resource consents that resulted in at least $205 million in new capital investment, while consent renewals covered $55 million worth of existing investment," he says. "These investments result in employment and prosperity for the region, and the Council is proud of its role in facilitating this in a leading-edge manner."

Mr MacLeod says economic growth and resource management continue to coexist successfully, with the region enjoying a relatively high-quality environment that is valued and usually well managed by the community. Freshwater quality generally continues to be stable or improving, coastal water quality is excellent, soils are healthy and managed sustainably, air quality is excellent and efforts to protect wetland and key native ecosystems have improved.

The Council's investment in the Yarrow Stadium development has borne fruit, with the venue hosting Taranaki's second All Black test match, against Ireland, in June, and three 2011 World Cup games to be played there.

Mr MacLeod says the Council held spending to 4% below budget in the face of reduced dividends from its 100% owned Port Taranaki Ltd. The Council ended the financial year with an operating deficit of $500,000 but continues to hold no public debt. "This places the Council in an excellent position to move forward."

He says the port operates in a highly competitive environment which means that revenue, profitability and dividends can fluctuate.

"This became abundantly clear during 2009/2010. Because of Fonterra's decision to reduce trade through the port, and lower offshore exploration and development, revenue, profitability and dividend flows fell significantly."

He says the port company's board and management will address these issues in a timely manner and the Council will not require them to "make hasty decisions in the pursuit of short-term gains but at the expense of the long-term viability of the port".

"The Council remains committed to public ownership of Port Taranaki Ltd as a strategic asset."

The Council's 2009/2010 annual report will be available at public libraries throughout the region, and on the Council's website,, from 18 October.

A summary of the report will be distributed with community newspapers in the week of 18-22 October.