Future proofing data: Annual Report 2009-10 release

Wednesday 22 September 2010, 10:43AM

By Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment


Crown Minerals has released its 2009-2010 Annual Report.

The annual report provides an update on a year-long project to enhance the world ranking Crown Minerals’ technical database.

“Quality and access of data saw the Fraser Institute recently give New Zealand a 2nd place ranking internationally for geological databases,” said Chris Kilby, Group Manager Crown Minerals.

“Over the last year there has been a major upgrade of software, new hardware, and a new data centre that will pave the way for future growth in demand for exploration data.

“It will also provide for more cost effective administration of the vast amount of information administered by Crown Minerals.”

Crown Minerals’ technical database contains the geophysical and other exploration data permit holders are required to submit. After five years Crown Minerals makes the data freely available to others (or when acreage becomes available, if earlier).

Other highlights of the annual report include:

  • In calendar year 2009, 37 oil and gas wells were drilled – 29 onshore and eight offshore.
  • Oil production reached 19.6 million barrels from 18 producing oil fields.
  • Gas production increased to 144.7 billion cubic feet of gas from 20 fields.
  • The Tui field accounted for 33 percent of oil production and the Pohokura field 38 percent of gas production.
  • Gold production totalled 13.44 tonnes at a value of $662.5 million, and silver production totalled 14.26 tonnes at a value of $10.61 million.
  • In 2009, 12,058 kilometres of 2D seismic data and 1,151 square kilometres of 3D seismic data was acquired over New Zealand’s offshore basins.
  • In 2009, there were 95 active petroleum permits and 681 active minerals permits.
  • The petroleum industry spent $1,393 million dollars on prospecting, exploration and mining in 2009, and the minerals industry.
  • Royalties and levies paid to Crown Minerals in financial year July 2009 to June 2010 total $450.65 million.


The Annual Report is available from the publications section of the Crown Minerals website at