Make a submission to the street prostitution bill

Wednesday 22 September 2010, 11:54AM

By Manukau City Council



Manukau City Council adopted its own submissions to Manukau City Council (Regulation of Prostitution in Specified Places) Bill at the Policy and Activities Committee meeting last night, and is encouraging residents and businesses to make submissions.

The bill, if enacted, will authorise the council to make bylaws prohibiting prostitution in specified public places in Manukau. It would also give the police the power to arrest any street prostitutes and their clients who contravene the bylaws.

The bill aims to address a local problem - the increase in anti-social behaviour since the decriminalisation of street prostitution. This may be Manukau’s best chance to convince lawmakers that the current situation is not working and that street prostitution must be regulated like any other business that occurs in public places.

The submissions to the Local Government and Environment Select Committee can be made online by Friday, 5 November 2010. The committee requires two copies of each submission if made in writing.

What: Submission to Manukau City Council (Regulation of Prostitution in Specified Places) Bill
When: By Friday, 5 November 2010

How: Online at A copy of the bill is also available at this link.