Job cut announcement shabby says Labour

Labour Party

Tuesday 28 September 2010, 11:36AM

By Labour Party



Labour's Auckland Issues spokesperson Phil Twyford says the Government's Auckland Transition Agency has treated Council staff shabbily by announcing hundreds of job losses in the media before notifying staff personally.

"This is an appalling way to treat loyal and long-serving staff. The ATA could very easily have notified staff in writing before announcing the job losses in the media. But the savings headline seems to matter more to them than treating people with dignity and respect," Phil Twyford said.

"Six hundred and fifty Council staff woke this morning to hear on the radio they've been made redundant, several days ahead of termination letters being sent out.

"When you add the loss of other short term contracts they are talking about over 1200 jobs cut in a tough economic climate and job market. Several thousand Auckland families will feel the pinch as will the Auckland economy at the checkout."