Century City Football

Wednesday 29 September 2010, 7:53AM



The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) wishes to advise that Century City Football has today paid the $260,000 it owed in outstanding levies.

“It is unfortunate that it took the threat of legal action to achieve this payment” said Dr Keith McLea, Acting Chief Executive of ACC.

ACC would also like to clarify some comments that have been made about this matter:

ACC did not enter into an agreement with Century City Football last week as has been claimed. Century City Football did offer another payment plan but this was declined based on our previous experience of non-adherence.

It is odd that this situation could “shock” Mr Serepisos since he has known about it for some time.

The amounts we have charged are accurate.

The issue of additional insurance in Australia is irrelevant. Century City Football is a New Zealand based business and must pay ACC levies like all others.

“Century City Football has further ACC levies due and we do not want to have to resort to legal action to have those paid, but we will do so if necessary.”