Christchurch City Council continues to work on the recovery phase following September earthquake

Christchurch City Council

Tuesday 5 October 2010, 12:07PM

By Christchurch City Council



This is focused on the key areas of infrastructure, welfare, buildings, natural environment, business and rural issues. The Council has been in direct contact with those worst affected as well as keeping the community informed through paid advertising, public meetings, website updates, leaflet and letter drops, house and business visits.

Council awaits Government announcement

The Christchurch City Council is eagerly awaiting the Earthquake Commission's geotechnical report. A wide range of technical experts has had input to the report, which is expected to form the basis of decisions about building options in parts of the city most affected by the earthquake.
There are many decisions on hold until that report is finalised – for the Government, insurance companies, residents, businesses, the Council and others.

"From a Council perspective we need this information so we can make decisions about what sort of repairs we need to make," says Recovery Manager Alan Bywater. 'We need to continue with our efforts to get water and waste services back to households as quickly as possible. However we don't want to start permanent repairs in areas where land remediation work is likely to occur because this would undo our good work."

Thousands take advantage of free swim at Council pools

Thousands of Christchurch people took up the offer of free admission to the Christchurch City Council's Recreation and Sport Centre pools at the weekend. Pool attendances at Centennial, Jellie Park, Pioneer and QEII Park Recreation and Sport Centres were more than double those recorded for the same weekend last year. Jellie Park pool recorded more than three times the number of swimmers as the previous year.

Other initiatives

The Council continues to remove fine silt and dust from streets and footpaths across the city to reduce the likelihood of it being blown into properties or ending up in the stormwater system. Volunteer Canterbury is still assisting residents to remove silt and sand from private property and this work is expected to continue for a couple more weeks.

Another 100 portable toilets have arrived from the North Island and are being distributed around Dallington and Avonside. A further 100 are expected in the next day or so.
For more information visit the Council website