New appointments to Biosecurity Committee

David Carter

Wednesday 6 October 2010, 11:26AM

By David Carter


Five new appointments have been made to the committee which oversees the performance of New Zealand's biosecurity system, Biosecurity Minister David Carter announced today.

The five appointees join seven reappointments to the Biosecurity Ministerial Advisory Committee.

"This committee plays a crucial role in providing independent advice on the performance of our total biosecurity system, and the protection and support it provides," says Mr Carter.

Recent advice on issues includes the Crown's obligation as a ‘good neighbour' under regional pest management strategies, sea container biosecurity risks and the implications for the biosecurity brand in the amalgamation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the New Zealand Food Safety Authority.

"New Zealand must have a biosecurity system that protects New Zealand's economic wellbeing and supports our environmental and social expectations," says Mr Carter.

"The skills and experience of the new appointees bring a wide range of expertise to the committee."

The new members are:

Dr Fiona Thomson-Carter (General Manager, Environmental Health, ESR)

Jan Hunt (self-employed tourism consultant, Queenstown)

Professor Caroline Saunders (Professor of Trade and Environmental Economics and Director, Agribusiness and Economics Research Unit, Lincoln University)

David Douglas (Chair, Wool Research Organisation and high country farmer)

Edward Ellison (Chair of Te Runanga o Otakou and former deputy chair of Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu)

A sixth vacancy has yet to be filled.