Senior Public Servant questions economic philosophy

Green Party

Friday 8 October 2010, 8:22AM

By Green Party


The Department of Conservation’s Director-General is right to argue that our natural environment is the foundation of a prosperous economy, yet the message is still to get through to John Key’s Government, the Green Party said tonight.

Al Morrison delivered his address entitled Building Biodiversity: Building New Zealand at Lincoln University this evening.

Mr Morrison said in his speech that “[we] are degrading ecosystems and destroying species to a point where the services that nature provides, that we rely on for our sustenance, and that determine our prosperity, are being run down and out.”

Green Party Co-leader, Dr Russel Norman said in response, “Al Morrison is right; We are risking the foundation of our prosperity by our Government’s out-dated approach to economic growth and the natural environment.

“New Zealand’s clean and green environment is the basis of our economic success and not the other way around. No environment, no economy.

“But right now, as Al Morrison points out, the Government keeps on trashing the place.

“John Key’s Government seems intent on mining, intensive dairying, and offshore oil drilling at all costs. This outdated exploitative approach to resource management involves taking huge risks with our environment, the climate, and our 100% Pure brand.

“As yet, this National Government has yet to recognise any ecological limits or protect them with the kind of smart legislation that will drive innovation and new industry along more sustainable lines,” said Dr Norman.

“A better recipe for economic prosperity would be to invest in clean-tech and green-tech industries. This Government can build on our strengths as a clean green exporting nation rather than undermine our foundations by promoting coal mining and fossil fuels with little oversight or regulation to ensure this happens safely.

“When we look after our environment, we look after our economy,” said Dr Norman.

Link to Al Morrison’s Lincoln address: