Water Container Sale for Get Ready Week

Wellington City Council

Tuesday 12 October 2010, 6:12PM

By Wellington City Council



The Council's Emergency Preparedness Manager, Fred Mecoy, says the Christchurch earthquake served as a stark reminder that we have to be prepared for a disaster.

"In the event of a disaster, people need to be prepared to cope for at least three days on their own. You need to stockpile at least three litres of water per person per day - that's 36 litres for a family of four. Three of our 15-litre bottles filled up with water will let you tick that one off - so you can think about your Emergency Plan."

The big yellow sturdy plastic water containers will be sold for $15 each from 12 noon - 1.30pm in the following locations:

Tuesday 12 October - Cuba Mall
Wednesday 13 October - New World, Willis Street
Thursday 14 October - Civic Square.

If you miss out on the street sales during Get Ready Week, you can buy water containers from the Council's City Service Centre in 101 Wakefield Street or Tawa, Johnsonville, Newtown, Ruth Gotlieb (Kilbirnie), Miramar, Karori or Cummings Park (Ngaio) libraries.

For more information on getting yourself ready for an emergency visit the Get Thru website.