Making tourism sustainable

Infonews Editor

Thursday 29 March 2007, 7:48PM

By Infonews Editor


A comprehensive strategy update for the New Zealand tourism industry has climate change and peak oil firmly in its sights, Tourism Minister Damien O'Connor said today.


A comprehensive strategy update for the New Zealand tourism industry has climate change and peak oil firmly in its sights, Tourism Minister Damien O'Connor said today.

Mr O'Connor was commenting on a recent study by Lincoln University climate expert Susanne Becken. He visited the university earlier this month and discussed the research with Dr Becken.

"Climate change and peak oil are serious issues for the New Zealand tourism industry, and we must meet them head-on to deliver on the 100% Pure promise.

"The New Zealand Tourism Strategy 2010 is presently being updated by tourism leaders and key government agencies, and sustainability is at the top of the agenda."

These issues will be increasingly important as tourism operators make investments over the next decades in new facilities and equipment, Mr O'Connor said. They will need to address the increasing costs of energy associated with any climate change obligations and which reflect the scarcity of oil.

"The strategy will identify goals to assist the industry to move towards a more sustainable future. Sustainability is a challenge we must and will accept.

"This research by Dr Becken shows the kinds of areas the tourism industry can focus on.

"The Government's aim is for New Zealand to have a truly sustainable economy - across all industry sectors. Tourism will make a leading contribution to achieving this goal."

"We all have a part to play."