Government exposed over timber issue

Green Party

Tuesday 11 September 2007, 9:19PM

By Green Party


Months of Government self-promotion over environmental friendliness and dedication to sustainability have been shown to be nothing more than posturing, the Green Party says.

This Government wishes to be the ‘first truly sustainable nation in the world’ , yet today Finance Minister Michael Cullen was forced into the embarrassing admission in the House that it is prioritizing trade over the issue, Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons says.

In response to a question from Ms Fitzsimons, Dr Cullen said: “…the trade talks with China are not held up by any consideration about illegal logging of timbers in China…”.

Ms Fitzsimons says: “Globally 20 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions are a result of the illegal and unsustainable logging of tropical rain forests. They are also the habitat for thousands of endangered species like the Orangutan. Yet today, Dr Cullen admitted this timber issue was not holding up a free trade agreement with China.

“This admission clearly shows that the Government is so desperate to sign on the dotted line with China that is turning a blind eye to the fact that much of this timber makes its way to that country, where it is made into outdoor furniture and decking and imported into New Zealand. In fact the only action this Government is taking is to hold a review, not scheduled to begin till next February.

“If it were truly interested in sustainability, it would use every means possible to prevent the decimation of these tropical rain forests, including acting immediately to stop this timber and any furniture made from it coming into the country and including it as a condition in any free trade agreement.

“This admission just goes to prove that this Government is prioritizing trade over ensuring the sustainability of our planet,” Ms Fitzsimons says.