Greens welcome move to upsize young people's pay

Green Party

Wednesday 12 September 2007, 11:08AM

By Green Party


Green Party MP Sue Bradford is welcoming moves by another major employer to scrap youth rates, ahead of the introduction of her Minimum Wage Amendment Bill.

McDonalds announced yesterday that all staff will receive the adult rate from their first day on the job, regardless of their age.

“I congratulate all parties involved in reaching this agreement to scrap youth rates. It is a tribute to the work of everyone involved in Unite Union’s SuperSizeMyPay campaign, which has fought for the end of youth rates for more than two years.

“I hope other companies will follow the lead shown by companies like McDonalds, Postie Plus, Progressive Enterprises and BP in getting rid of age discrimination.

“The fact that so many employers are taking the initiative, and not only pre-empting the Act, but bypassing the 200 hour ‘new entrants’ category altogether, goes to show that we may not have needed this confusing comprise at all.

“I am heartened to see the momentum gathering to go above and beyond the new law as employers realize it is simpler and fairer to give people the same pay for the same work,” Ms Bradford says.