Green MPs join Mokihinui River action on Sunday

Friday 22 October 2010, 1:53PM

By Green Party



What: Day of action on the Mokihinui River. Over 100 people will descend the river in rafts and kayaks.

When: Sunday 24 October, 2010. Helicopters flying gear and people in from 7am.

Where: The Mokihinui River (helicopter loading zone is close to Rough and Tumble lodge about 1 hour from Westport)

Who: Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman and Green MP Kevin Hague, with 100 others from Whitewater NZ and Forest & Bird

Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman and Conservation Spokesperson Kevin Hague will join a day of action to highlight the importance of the Mokihinui River on Sunday 24 October (Sunday of Labour Weekend).

Over 100 people will make their way down the river on rafts, kayaks and catamarans to highlight the natural values of the river and show what is at threat from Meridian Energy’s proposed hydro dam. The day of action is jointly organised by Whitewater NZ and Forest & Bird.

“The Mokihinui is a stunning wild river, and the area proposed for flooding from the dam consists of 300 hectares of irreplaceable river gorge habitat for kiwi, blue duck, kaka, falcons, giant land snails,” Green Party Conservation Spokesperson Kevin Hague said.

“It’s also a wonderful destination for rafters and kayakers, as this trip demonstrates, and is of outstanding natural and conservational value.

“There is no need to dam this majestic wild river for power generation. There are already consented schemes that would provide the West Coast’s power needs without the need for a dam on the Mokihinui, like Hydro Development Limited’s Stockton Hydro scheme, which will have a net environmental benefit.

“Sunday’s action will highlight the importance of this wonderful river and send a clear message that it can be saved,” Mr Hague said.