Mayor Names Choice for Deputy

Wellington City Council

Monday 25 October 2010, 11:10AM

By Wellington City Council



Mayor-elect Wade-Brown says she has observed Cr McKinnon in the role of Deputy Mayor over the past three years and is confident that his commitment to the position and understanding of the role will complement her strengths.

Further, she says, she believes Councillors and Wellingtonians alike share her confidence in Cr McKinnon's suitability for the role.  

She said: "I know Ian will help in managing my considerable workload as Mayor. I'm aware that we will not always vote the same way on issues but I accept the need for balance in the spirit of the democratic process."

Cr McKinnon said: "The Mayor-elect and I have differing views in some areas but I will be honoured to be nominated and I look forward to the privilege of serving Wellington in this role if Councillors support the nomination."

Councillors will vote on the nomination on Wednesday (27 October).