Chief Executive appointed to new fresh water research position

Environment Canterbury

Friday 29 October 2010, 11:54AM

By Environment Canterbury



Environment Canterbury chief executive Dr Bryan Jenkins has been appointed to a professorial fellowship being established within the Waterways Centre for Freshwater Management in Christchurch. 

The professorial fellowship is being funded by Environment Canterbury, in recognition of water management being a top priority for the region. 

Announcing the appointment, Chair of Commissioners Dame Margaret Bazley said the fellowship was important to Environment Canterbury and the region as it would accelerate the work being undertaken to advance water management in the region.

“The professorial fellowship is a significant research position for the region.  The fellowship will be used to enhance the development of water management strategies both in Canterbury and New Zealand. 

“The wise and sustainable use of water is critical to the Canterbury’s future and the establishment of this position reflects its importance.”

Dame Margaret paid tribute to Dr Jenkins’ contribution to the organisation over the last seven years.  “During this time he has led the development of a more collaborative approach to regional resource management, including the development of the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy, the Regional Biodiversity Strategy and the Canterbury Water Management Strategy.

“During this time there have been considerable challenges, including the huge increase in demand for water.  The development of sustainability limits for groundwater and gravel extraction, the initiation of environment flow reviews and protection for aquifer recharge for Christchurch are all substantial achievements for the region.

“Dr Jenkins has provided strong leadership to Environment Canterbury and he leaves a highly professional organisation which is very well positioned for the future.”

Environment Canterbury was involved in establishing the Centre earlier this year.  It is a partnership between University of Canterbury and Lincoln University and aims to serve as a catalyst for water action between teaching, research, regulatory, public interest, and water user organisations.


“Environment Canterbury has been developing closer relationships with resource management scientists from universities, Crown Research Institutes and industry.  We have a number of programmes underway which involve researchers – including support for Masters and PhD students. 

“This fellowship will involve some consultancy work for Environment Canterbury, will strengthen relationships between the organisation and the universities and help to further coordinate work of value to regional resource management.  It will also undertake research relating specifically to strategic water management,” Dame Margaret said.

Environment Canterbury will provide $350,000 funding for the professorial fellowship for a period of two years.  Dr Jenkins will leave Environment Canterbury to take up the appointment at the end of February.