Rugby World Cup – Commerce Commission focuses on fair play

Commerce Commission

Monday 1 November 2010, 11:10AM

By Commerce Commission


The Commerce Commission is taking a close interest in ensuring businesses cashing in on the opportunities presented by the 2011 Rugby World Cup play by the rules – in particular the Commerce Act, Fair Trading Act and Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act (CCCF Act).

The Commission is undertaking a campaign to educate businesses about how not to breach the Commerce Act, and their obligations to consumers under the Fair Trading and CCCF Acts. The project will also educate consumers, in particular overseas visitors coming to New Zealand during the Rugby World Cup, about their rights.

“The Rugby World Cup presents an excellent opportunity for New Zealand businesses to reap the benefits of the influx of visitors. But if businesses ignore or flout competition and consumer laws they will not only harm consumers and other businesses that are playing by the rules. They will potentially damage the nation’s reputation,” said Kate Morrison, General Manager, Enforcement for the Commerce Commission.

“Consumers who are not misled, and businesses that compete fairly, will contribute to the overall economic benefit to New Zealand of hosting the Rugby World Cup.”

“While the Commission is initially focusing on ensuring businesses and consumers are educated, we will not hesitate to take appropriate enforcement action if any breaches of the laws we enforce come to our attention in the lead up to, or during the Rugby World Cup,” said Ms Morrison.

A new page on the Commission’s website provides a one-stop location for guidance to businesses and consumers on the types of issues that may arise in the context of the Rugby World Cup. It can be found at

The Commission is also communicating directly with trade associations and business groups.