Greens welcome U-turn by Speaker on expenses

Green Party

Wednesday 3 November 2010, 3:49PM

By Green Party


The Speaker’s decision to return to the former, more transparent disclosure system is a step in the right direction, said the Green Party today. 

“It is great to see the Speaker has seen sense and has returned to a more transparent system for MPs’ expenses, said Green Party Co-leader Metiria Turei.

“This messy about-face from the Speaker clearly demonstrates the need for an independent system for deciding MP allowances. The current system of MPs setting the rules for their own allowances is undermining public confidence in our democracy.  

“The public deserve a system that is clear, simple, and fair. An independent overhaul of the system is required to ensure that New Zealand politics are kept honest and transparent.


“John Key needs to establish an independent body to develop a more transparent system that clearly separates personal expenses from remuneration and legitimate work expenses. He must commit to fixing this broken system.

“The current system is not working and cannot continue as it is. The Green Party will continue to work for change,” said Mrs Turei.