NZ disappointed by election process in Burma

Monday 8 November 2010, 5:24PM

By Murray McCully


"Burma's elections on 7 November were neither free nor fair," Foreign Affairs Minister Murray McCully said today.

"The electoral laws underpinning the elections included significant impediments to the full participation of opposition parties, including restrictions on registration, campaigning and access to a free press.

"That the playing field was tilted was evident from the regime's refusal to allow credible international observation, or foreign media, to witness the election.

"Moreover, thousands of Burmese remain imprisoned as political prisoners, including Aung Sang Suu Kyi, casting a major shadow over the election. We repeat our calls for their immediate release."

Mr McCully said New Zealand will be carefully assessing the final election result and the formation of the new Burmese government.

"New Zealand hopes that the opportunity is taken to move Burma forward - to address both the desperate humanitarian needs of its people and the poor capacity of the government to address those needs.

"What change is possible in Burma lies significantly in the hands of its new government, its willingness to make dramatic improvements to the country's political culture, to release political prisoners and to abide by international norms of governance and human rights."

Mr McCully said New Zealand will continue to work with the United Nations and the international community to support those aims.